When she refused his advances the family abruptly left the party.

Trujillo was very enamored with Minerva and danced and engaged her in conversation. All but Chea, the mother, went as they were afraid to refuse the “request”. Trujillo had his eye on Minerva so he had the family invited to another party. The families’ first real run-in with Trujillo was at a party to which they were invited. The remaining sister, Dedé, lovingly preserved their memories until her death in 2014. Three ladies – Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa – gave their lives for their cause. Women who fought to overthrow the dictatorship of President and Dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. 2007 the province is officially named Hermanas Mirabal). Dominican women, daughters and mothers from the town Ojo de Agua in the providence of Salcedo, Dominican Republic (Note – As of Nov. Las Hermanas Mirabales / The Mirabal Sisters. What someone is inside themselves ” - Maria Teresa Mirabal “What matters is the quality of a person. The story of the Sisters known as the Mariposas | Movimiento 14 de Junio/ The Movement of the Fourteenth of June | Patria Mercedes | Minerva Argentina | Maria Teresa | Dedé (Bélgica) | Video – Documental Las Mariposas: Las Hermanas Mirabal | The International Day Against Violence Towards Women | Hermanas Mirabal Museum, Original Home, Ecoparque de la Paz and The Obelisco (new page) Patricia, Maria Teresa and Minerva Mirabal – Original Images Owned by the Mirabal Family The remaining sister, Dedé, preserving their memories until her death in 2014. The four sisters and the group they were involved in were a threat to this commanding dictator because they were involved with plotting to overthrow Trujillos’ cruel, ruthless and fascist government. Three of them – Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa – gave their lives for their cause when some henchmen, following the orders of Dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, killed them savagely. Fighting against the Dominican Republic dictators’ rule they felt was wrong. The Hermanas Mirabal are 3 women who followed their convictions with bravery and selflessness to fight for what they believed. Las Hermanas Mirabal/ The Mirabal Sisters